Types of Solar Inverter

Types of Solar Inverter

A Solar Inverter is a device that converts the direct current (DC) from the solar panels into alternating current (AC) which is used by domestic and commercial appliances. Solar inverter is one of the most important part of the solar power system as it converts power from the sun into more useful energy. Its also know as brain of solar power system.

Solar inverters are a crucial part of a solar system since power from sun cannot be directly used to run electrical appliances. Starting out as just boxes converting DC into AC, today, solar inverters have evolved to become much more smart and intelligent units, performing other functions such as data monitoring, advanced utility controls etc.

Solar Inverters in India are mostly imported through a few domestic and international manufacturers have set up manufacturing operations in India.

String inverters can be used for both rooftop and utility solar, while central inverter is used exclusively for utility-scale applications. Micro inverters are the best option for residential solar but they are not yet very popular in India. 

Types of Solar Inverters

Inverters can be broadly classified into three major types:

i) Off-grid/ Standalone inverters– works independently off the grid and requires battery storage

ii) On-grid/ Grid-tied inverters– are dependent upon the grid

iii) Hybrid inverters – incorporate both battery and grid connection and have an inbuilt solar charge controller

Grid tied solar inverters are further categorized into micro, string and central inverters.


PWM Solar Inverters – The smaller rating inverters less than 2 kw to be used in Rural area and to make it affordable, it is made with PWM (pulse width modulation) Technology.

MPPT Solar Inverter – It is the best charge controller technology with highest efficiency between 95-97%. All high efficiency inverters, grid connected inverters are built with mppt (maximum power point tracker) technology. An inverter built with MPPT technology takes 30% less time in charging a battery using solar panels.  

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