Does cleaning the modules require any special expertise or equipment?

Does cleaning the modules require any special expertise or equipment?

  • How to clean solar panels has never gotten easier! Clean solar panels when they are moist or wet so any dirt so residue that is stuck on them can be wiped off easily.
  • Never use an abrasive sponge or soap for your solar panel cleaning as you may scratch the glass. The best way to clean solar panels by using a soft rag or biodegradable soap.
  • It is important not to use harsh materials when cleaning solar panels as they could cause damage, and solar panels are costly to repair.
  • If you clean often, you might be able to just run a hose along the panels to remove any dirt. Fewer calls on solar panel maintenance.
  • For your safety and the safety of others around you, use a long handled wiper to clean the panels while you are standing on the ground.

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